“Global Fever” is a recurring nightlife event created by Ouzo International (2008). It’s target market is the International community, with focus on bringing people of various ethnicities together through music. I played a heavy role in this project, which along with Ouzo International helped establish the event as the premier International Night in the region.
X Nightclub: Grand Opening
Grand openings of entertainment venues are always exciting. After lots of anticipation, X nightclub announced Friday October 4, 2013 as the date they would unveil their creation to the world. They announced Pete Tong, known as the “global ambassador for electronic music”, as their headlining DJ for the evening. Shortly after, I was asked to showcase my sounds for the …
Phoenix Nightclub (2011-2013)
The Challenge The building that sits at 300 N. College Street has been home to some of the most successful nightclubs in Charlotte, NC. What once reigned as Mythos transformed into The Forum. In April of 2011, Phoenix was introduced as the new hotspot. 3 months later, Kevin Mitchell (experienced nightlife consultant, event coordinator at Phoenix, and owner of promotional …
Rich + Bennett’s St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl (2012-2013)
Over 15,000 people in attendance, 6 areas of sound, 2 venues, 1 alley . I Coordinated the annual event’s “stops” for both Phoenix Nightclub an Re:Public Nightclub (2012-2013).
CIAA Tournament Events (2012-2013)
Every year over 100,000 people gather in Charlotte, NC for CIAA tournament week. It showcases a men’s and women’s basketball tournament, social events, concerts, and celebrity sightings. I coordinated the annual events that took place at both Phoenix and Re:Public nightclubs (2012-2013).